Big Food’s True Agenda: Keeping America Fat, Weak, & Docile

America is facing a chronic disease epidemic, and at the heart of it lies a broken food system designed by Big Food conglomerates to keep us fat, weak, and docile. 

The chronic diseases ravaging our nation—diabetes, heart disease, obesity—aren’t accidents; they’re the result of a deliberate strategy to profit off our dependence on cheap, unhealthy food. These conglomerates have engineered a system where metabolic dysfunction, mental health disorders, and a constant reliance on sugar and fats keep us hooked. 

Worse yet, they’ve infiltrated our schools, media, and government to ensure we stay confused, misinformed, and controlled.

A Food System Rigged Against Us

Big Food’s infiltration of our food system began decades ago, and their influence reaches every corner of our daily lives—starting with schools. Since the 1970s, 43% of elementary schools, 74% of middle schools, and 98% of high schools have been filled with vending machines stocked with sugary drinks, snacks, and ultra-processed foods. 

These machines, supplied through deals with large food companies, promote a diet high in sugar and fats, fostering lifelong dependence on processed foods.

Moreover, a staggering 80% of U.S. school cafeterias still serve reheated, processed food like chicken nuggets, hamburgers, and French fries.

Parallely, a report from 2023 revealed that the average intelligence test score fell from 100 to 98, a dismal, two point decline after a previously uninterrupted 30 point rise that began in 1905. 

What this means, not so surprisingly, is that poor nutrition leads to cognitive decline. 

As a 2015 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated, diets high in saturated fats and refined sugars are linked to lower cognitive function. Specifically, these diets were shown to impair memory and learning by affecting the hippocampus, a critical part of the brain responsible for these processes​. Moreover, research published in Frontiers in Neuroscience also highlights the impact of poor gut health on cognitive decline and mood disorders due to the gut-brain axis​​.

In other words, our schools, alongside Big Food conglomerates, are building an army of dumb fat Americans ready to “lead” our country’s future…

The Mental Health Crisis Tied to Big Food

The destruction isn’t limited to physical health. Our mental well-being is also being hijacked. Poor diets and overuse of antibiotics—both rampant in today’s food production—have devastated our gut microbiomes, which are essential for producing serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation and cognitive function. 

This gut-brain connection is vital, yet it's being ignored in favor of profits. 

As our gut health deteriorates, so does our mental health, contributing to the alarming rise in depression, anxiety, and disorders like ADHD and autism.

The food system’s impact on mental health is becoming more apparent as autism and ADHD diagnoses surge, with data from the CDC indicating a significant increase from 1 in 150 children in 2000 to 1 in 36 children in 2020, marking a sharp rise of over 317% in two decades​.

Processed foods filled with artificial additives and sugars are wreaking havoc on brain function, especially in developing children. 

What we feed ourselves directly affects how we think, feel, and function, but Big Food is banking on the fact that most of us don’t make that connection—or can’t afford to make healthier choices.

Disinformation: The Weapon of Big Food

How does Big Food get away with this?  By spreading confusion, disinformation and flooding the market with ultra-processed foods high in sugar and unhealthy fats, they’ve created a cycle where we crave more, eat more, and suffer more. The products we consume cause blood sugar spikes and crashes, leading to energy slumps, poor cognitive function, and an increasing reliance on quick-fix foods that perpetuate the cycle.

They’ve spent billions on marketing and lobbying efforts, ensuring that the narrative surrounding food and health remains muddled. They push misleading “healthy” labels on products filled with harmful ingredients while funding studies that downplay the role of diet in chronic diseases. 

In 2022 alone, Big Food spent $175 million on lobbying, further entrenching their control over the regulatory systems that should be protecting us.

Schools and media are complicit. Big Food has infiltrated public school nutrition programs. Through the media, we’re bombarded with conflicting information about what’s healthy. 

Wherever we go, they are trying to fit their crap into our diets. To take control of our decision making and well-being. 

The True Power Behind Big Food

The conglomerates orchestrating this disaster aren’t just anonymous corporations. They’re well-known food giants with familiar brands that dominate grocery stores. These companies control vast portions of the food supply, and they’re the same ones behind the unhealthy products causing America’s health crisis. 

What’s more, they’re the ones attacking smaller companies like ours, who promote real health and wellness, threatening their monopoly.

We can’t reveal specifics, but the corporations targeting us have a history of exploiting their workers and cutting corners in ways that endanger the public. They operate under a façade of corporate responsibility while actively profiting from our nation’s declining health. 

They’re not interested in solutions—they’re invested in keeping us sick and dependent.

Reclaiming Our Health and Our Future

This isn’t just about food—it’s about power. Big Food’s control over our health keeps us weak, making it easier to sell us their products and harder for us to fight back. But we don’t have to accept this. By educating ourselves and taking action, we can start to dismantle their grip on us.

We can begin by making better choices—supporting local, organic farmers, prioritizing whole, fiber-rich foods, supplementing with high-quality, science-backed products, and rejecting the processed junk that fuels this epidemic. But we must also stand together as a community, pushing for transparency and accountability in the food system. 

This is about more than just individual health—it’s about reclaiming our right to thrive, free from the influence of corporate giants who profit off our suffering.

The system may be rigged, but we have the power to fight back. Our health, our freedom, and our future are worth it.

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