Sh*t Hit the Fan: "They" Are Taking Over
Alright, let's get straight to the point: "They" are not just a figment of our imagination. They just delivered a coup to Biden and gave the official reigns to the next puppet in line. They are the shadowy puppeteers behind the scenes, controlling every decision in our country and on the world stage.
“They” refers to a network of powerful, unelected officials and institutions that operate independently of our elected representatives. They’re deeply embedded within the government and big corporations, manipulating policies and narratives to maintain their control over our lives.
From intelligence agencies to corporate boardrooms, they pull the strings while we, the people, bear the consequences.
How "They" Came to Power
The origins of this shadowy network date back to the Cold War, when agencies like the CIA and big corporations amassed significant power with little oversight. These entities engaged in covert operations, corporate coups, and widespread surveillance, all while evading public scrutiny. Over time, their influence grew, intertwining national security with corporate interests, creating a powerful coalition that operates beyond democratic accountability.
All Money Aside, It’s About Power
Let's talk about the implications. This covert network poses a serious threat to our democracy, accountability, and freedom. Here’s how:
- Undermining Democracy: Operating in secrecy, they violate the fundamental democratic principle that the government should be accountable to the people. Their unchecked power leads to rampant abuses, particularly in the intelligence and national security sectors.
- Control and Influence: Their reach extends across politics, finance, and the military. The revolving door between government and corporate positions ensures policies favor the elite at the expense of the general public.
- Perpetual War and Erosion of Civil Liberties: Endless wars and expanded surveillance programs are hallmarks of their agenda that strip away our civil liberties and violate international norms, all justified under the guise of combating terrorism.
- Eroding Public Trust: By controlling media platforms, forcing propaganda & ideologies to destroy the moral fabric of our belief systems and nation’s institutions, they’ve diminished confidence in our democratic institutions, leading to perpetual social & political instability.
The Unholy Alliance: Corporate America and National Security
Their financial influence cannot be overstated. Wall Street's interests and the flow of money are critical to their operations. The revolving door between high-level government positions and corporate boardrooms ensures policies always favor big financial interests, at the public's expense.
It’s this cute relationship that keeps their grip tight on the chains, maintaining control and influence over all of our lives.
- Revolving Door: Between 2009 and 2021, nearly 400 former members of Congress became lobbyists, senior advisors, or took similar roles in industries they once oversaw, creating a cycle of influence and policy favoritism.
- Corporate Lobbying: In 2020 alone, corporations spent over $3.53 billion on lobbying activities in the U.S., with top spenders including the pharmaceutical, insurance, and oil industries.
- Defense Spending: The U.S. defense budget for 2021 was $753 billion, with significant portions going to private defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Raytheon, who have deep ties to former government officials. And guess who owns these giant corporations? (tip: starts with Black, rhymes with F*CK).
- Financial Sector Influence: Wall Street banks and financial firms spent $2.9 billion on lobbying from 1998 to 2021 (that, and $2 billion on campaign contributions, securing favorable regulations and bailouts during financial crises.
- Surveillance and Tech Collaboration: Post-9/11, the U.S. government increased its surveillance capabilities through collaborations with tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, with these companies receiving lucrative government contracts.

Surveillance State and Corporate Spies
Their reach extends into national security and surveillance. With the NSA and CIA, in collusion with tech giants from Silicon Valley, the shadows gather data not on the terrorists they vowed to protect us from, but on everyone, the American people. Every citizen’s privacy and civil liberties, for “commercial and national security purposes”, is being constantly violated in the benefit of the power that “they” are developing.
Just to get a glimpse into what they can do, during the 2020 election cycle, Zuckerberg and his wife donated $350 million through a “non-profit” called the Center for Tech and Civic Life, which was used to fund election infrastructure in 2,500 jurisdictions.
Basically, their operation was deciding how many poll places should be open, hiring the people who count the vote -- and paying them -- setting up new drop boxes, and sending activists-turned-election officials into neighborhoods to collect ballots.
By the time the election rolled around, a whopping one-fifth of the country's election administrations had taken a piece of Zuckerberg's pie, with Democrats praising his generosity.
In other words, Thomas More Society's Phill Kline said, "We had a shadow government managing these elections, particularly in the urban core. They set up these procedures that allowed for the breach of the chain of custody of the ballots and the infusion of fraudulent ballots."

Our Call to Arms
As Snowden said “even if you are not doing anything wrong, you are being watched and recorded”. And if one thing’s for certain, from what has become of our country, what they are doing is not for the greater good of the world.
This is where we stand, my friends. They are actively eroding the very fabric of our society. Our freedom, our democracy, and our way of life are under siege by this shadowy cabal. We cannot sit by and watch as our rights are viciously stripped away by the second.
We must fight back. We must arm ourselves with knowledge and take control of our health and well-being. Stock up on essentials, be prepared for what’s coming, and stand united against those who seek to dominate us. Remember, a healthy, strong population is harder to control.
Join us in this fight. Support people that align with your values. Let's show them that we won't be silenced or subdued. Together, we will rise above and reclaim our freedom.
Stand strong, stay informed, and keep fighting the good fight. Your freedom depends on it.
Join us on this decisive journey to defend our freedom, and benefit from the true power of THE TRIBE!
I found the last few years, if you are one to pay attention the SHEEP have been exposed.
It is a terrifying prospect knowing you’re alone, so to speak, as a LION? I’ve gone from feeling changes were coming, in the name of FREEDOM to I don’t recognize my country and what happened? I still see AMERICANS wearing masks driving alone in their cars?
I’ve never been more scared for our country
and feel a fight is on the horizon of BIBLICAL proposition, I know this is true because of a book I’ve been reading my entire life! Also,
I already know who wins! Plan accordingly, prepare yourself for the coming struggles,
If I at 60 years of age can hope for peace but prepare for war SO CAN ANYONE!!!! I wish every company shared your companies VALUES, it would be a better world.
Thanks for letting me share.
Hell yes DEATH TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER! 1776 Liberty or Death!
I know. It seems we the people will never get our Republic back. Because those that have positions of power become corrupt and are bribed by the deep state, hence becoming the deep states pawn.