The Silent Decline of NAD+ and Its Devastating Effects in The Chronic Disease Epidemic

The greatest threat to your health as you age isn’t just the passage of time—it’s the silent, gradual decline of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) levels in your body. 

NAD+ is the cornerstone of cellular health. It fuels the processes that keep your metabolism running smoothly, your cells energized, and your DNA intact. But as you age, NAD+ levels naturally decline, leading to a breakdown in these critical systems. 

This opens the floodgates for a series of metabolic changes that spirals, from seemingly manageable health issues, into increasingly menacing chronic diseases.

The Cascade Effect: How NAD+ Depletion Leads to Chronic Diseases*

The decline in NAD+ doesn’t stop at metabolic issues—it triggers a chain reaction that affects every aspect of your health:

  • Cardiovascular Disease: As NAD+ levels drop, your heart loses the energy it needs to function properly, raising the risk of heart disease. In perspective, heart disease is already the leading cause of death in the U.S., responsible for 1 in 4 deaths.*(1)
  • Neurodegenerative Diseases: NAD+ is crucial for brain health, and its decline is linked to Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. With nearly 6.7 million Americans affected by Alzheimer’s today and numbers expected to double.*(2)
  • Chronic Inflammation and Immune System Breakdown: Low NAD+ levels exacerbate chronic inflammation and weaken the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to infections, autoimmune diseases, and even cancer.*(3)
  • Accelerated Aging: The combination of these issues speeds up the aging process, leading to premature aging, hair loss, muscle debilitation, and decreased quality of life.*(1)

While aging naturally reduces NAD+ levels, the bigger issue is a healthcare system that profits from curing symptoms instead of addressing root causes. 

Rather than directing resources into solutions that could prevent the NAD+ decline generating the chronic diseases’ epidemic, the system pushes medications that only mask symptoms & keeps society on a lifelong cycle of dependency over expensive prescription drugs and treatments.

Tragically, this isn’t the world we want, but the one we have. Nonetheless, back at the tribe labs we’ve been searching for a solution that could become the next critical tool to counteract this health crisis. 

It’s a solution we can strive for…

NR: The Binding Solution

While society’s left vulnerable to the very conditions that could be prevented by maintaining a healthy diet, and balanced NAD+ levels, there are ways to break free from a system that doesn’t prioritize true well-being. This is where Nicotinamide Riboside (NR) steps in… 

NR is a powerful precursor to NAD+, meaning it helps replenish this vital molecule in your cells. By boosting NAD+ levels, NR offers a tangible support to the age-related decline that so many of us experience.

Imagine having more energy to tackle your day, sharper mental clarity, and a metabolism that works as it should—all thanks to the rejuvenating effects of NR. 

What Makes Black Forest’s NR So Effective?

Countless studies have been conducted, evidencing NR’s incredible findings, with one even praising its therapeutic approach to alleviate the chronic neuropsychiatric symptoms experienced by veterans with Gulf War Illness (fatigue, skin rash, headache, muscle and joint pain, and loss of memory).(4) 

Here’s what research on NR has proven:

  • Superior Bioavailability: NR is absorbed more efficiently by your cells, ensuring that you can better support vital cellular functions like DNA repair and immune cell function. It’s a direct pathway to restoring your energy and cognitive function quickly.(6)
  • Enhanced Mitochondrial Function: By boosting NAD+, NR supports your cellular powerhouses—mitochondria—helping them produce energy more efficiently. This leads to improved overall cellular health, reducing fatigue and supporting your body’s natural functions.(7)
  • Neuroprotective Benefits: NR helps protect your brain health, enhancing cognitive function and reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. This means better memory, focus, and mental clarity as you age.(8)
  • Metabolic Boost: NR plays a critical role in improving your metabolism, helping you manage your weight more effectively and supporting healthy blood sugar levels.(9)

Why Our NR Supplement Stands Out

When choosing Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), it’s crucial to prioritize potency, purity, and transparency. Some brands dilute their formulas with cheap fillers, offering lower doses of NR per serving, which reduces effectiveness.

Since all of our extracts are expert formulated and science backed, we decided to use 900mg of NR is this new revolutionary product.

A study conducted by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania demonstrated that a single 900mg dose of NR led to a significant 55% increase in NAD+ levels in the brain within six hours of taking the supplement.(5)

And while NR is powerful on its own, our formula takes it a step further by combining it with our unique formulation of Quercetin Phytosome & Resveratrol:

  • 500 mg of Quercetin Phytosome enhances NR’s bioavailability, ensuring that your body absorbs it effectively and quickly. It also supports mitochondrial health and has neuroprotective properties, making it an ideal partner for NR.*
  • 150 mg of Resveratrol works synergistically with NR to enhance mitochondrial function, protect against oxidative stress, and further support healthy aging.* 
 (NR launches soon... Subscribe to be the first to try it!)

The Perfect Combination: NR and NMN

When introducing a new supplement, we always look for ways they could synergistically work alongside our other extracts. And if you are familiar with our catalog, you know we have another powerful NAD+ booster called NMN.

NR is the ideal partner for NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide), & here’s why:

  • NR provides a rapid NAD+ boost, delivering quick improvements in energy, cognitive function, and metabolic efficiency.*
  • NMN offers sustained NAD+ support, ensuring steady, long-term cellular health, particularly in high-demand tissues like muscles and the brain.*

Together, NR and NMN create a powerful synergy:

  • Holistic NAD+ Support: NR addresses immediate needs, while NMN ensures sustained NAD+ levels, offering continuous cellular protection.*
  • Comprehensive Cellular Health: This duo fortifies your cells against the cascade of issues that arise from NAD+ depletion, from metabolic decline to neurodegenerative diseases, promoting longevity and vitality.*

By integrating both NR and NMN into your routine, you’re equipping your body with the tools to maintain optimal NAD+ levels—boosting energy, enhancing cognitive function, and supporting overall health both immediately and in the long run.

Take the Next Step: Reclaim Your Energy and Focus

In a world that doesn’t slow down, neither should you. By replenishing your NAD+ levels with NR, you can take control of how you age—maintaining your energy, cognitive function, and overall vitality. Our carefully crafted NR supplement, enhanced with Quercetin Phytosome and Resveratrol, offers a holistic approach to supporting your body’s natural defenses against aging.

Don’t let age and chronic diseases slow you down. With our NR you can keep up with life’s demands, feeling more energized, focused, and youthful. 

It’s time to take charge of your health and embrace the vitality you deserve.

Start your journey! Try our Nicotinamide Riboside formula, and experience the difference it can make in your life.

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Scientific Journals & References:
(1) (Association of Health Care Journalists), (Helman, T., & Braidy, N., 2022), (Department of Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States)
(2) Zhao, Y., Zhang, J., Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X. J., Wang, H., Du, Y., Guan, J., Wang, X., & Fu, J. (2021). NAD+ improves cognitive function and reduces neuroinflammation by ameliorating mitochondrial damage and decreasing ROS production in chronic cerebral hypoperfusion models through Sirt1/PGC-1α pathway. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 18(1).
(3) Inflammation discovery could slow aging, prevent age-related diseases. (University of Virginia Health System). ScienceDaily.
(4) Roskamp Institute Inc (2024). Nicotinamide Riboside Clinical Trial for GWI:
(5), University of Pennsylvania. (2024). Nicotinamide Riboside Brain NAD+ Elevations Measured for First Time in Healthy Adults.
(6) Zapata-Pérez R, Wanders RJA, van Karnebeek CDM, Houtkooper RH. NAD+ homeostasis in human health and disease. EMBO Mol Med. 2021 Jul 7;13(7):e13943. doi: 10.15252/emmm.202113943. Epub 2021 May 27. PMID: 34041853; PMCID: PMC8261484.
(7) Canto et al (2016). Eliciting the mitochondrial unfolded protein response by nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide repletion reverses fatty liver disease in mice. Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), 63(4), 1190–1204.
(8) Gong B, Pan Y, Vempati P, Zhao W, Knable L, Ho L, Wang J, Sastre M, Ono K, Sauve AA, Pasinetti GM. Nicotinamide riboside restores cognition through an upregulation of proliferator-activated receptor-γ coactivator 1α regulated β-secretase 1 degradation and mitochondrial gene expression in Alzheimer's mouse models. Neurobiol Aging. 2013 Jun;34(6):1581-8. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2012.12.005. Epub 2013 Jan 9. PMID: 23312803; PMCID: PMC3632303.
(9) Cantó C, Houtkooper RH, Pirinen E, Youn DY, Oosterveer MH, Cen Y, Fernandez-Marcos PJ, Yamamoto H, Andreux PA, Cettour-Rose P, Gademann K, Rinsch C, Schoonjans K, Sauve AA, Auwerx J. The NAD(+) precursor nicotinamide riboside enhances oxidative metabolism and protects against high-fat diet-induced obesity. Cell Metab. 2012 Jun 6;15(6):838-47. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2012.04.022. PMID: 22682224; PMCID: PMC3616313.
*these statements have not been approved by the FDA.
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Nr subscribe link doesn’t work


Curious how expensive these will be, the NMN is $100 now, hopefully this won’t be the same dollar amount. I agree with the research but hard to afford.

Dan Maynard

Im in, add to my monthly order!!!!’

Jon C Poole

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